
How this Herbalist works?

An herbalist views a person as part of the greater ecosystem around them. The water they drink, the air they breathe, the earth they walk on, their home and its occupants, where they work, and how they play. When one is experiencing an imbalance in their ecosystem, the whole system must be addressed

The same is true when a body is experiencing illness; where is the imbalance? Is the person in the throes of a divorce, experiencing panic attacks? Do they hate their job and are slipping into depression, or is their blood pressure getting out of control?  All of these examples are imbalances in the ecosystem. A healer-herbalist tackles the underlying cause and the symptoms the body is experiencing.

Is the person feeling too hot or too cold? Are they listless and lacking energy? The good news is there is a corresponding herb for every imbalance an individual is experiencing. This is because plants have energetics; they are warm or cool, moistening or drying, toning or stimulating in nature. So when a person is experiencing a fever, their energetics would be heat, and a cooling herb such as elderflowers would be helpful in most cases. Imagine adding some cayenne pepper to a feverish person, certainly not the right action! Consider a person who has burned their hand. Running cool water would be a sensible choice as well as using a moistening cooling herb such as aloe vera.  

Herbs are complex beings with many properties, each with their own unique personalities. Truly learning to understand the plants takes a long time, because it entails spending time with the herbs to become friends. A good herbalist is a bridge between the plants and the person seeking help, as they can ask the plant allies for assistance. This does not mean you cannot ask, but an experienced herbalist can quickly figure out which plant is best for your condition.  

People ask about the difference between  pharmaceuticals and herbsDrugs do not look at the ecosystem; they balance body chemicals, which is a quick fix. In some cases is the correct way to go, however, if one is looking to heal fully, they must consider finding and amend the imbalance in their entire ecosystem.  

Herbal Services

Mini Herbal Consultation


There are times when just a little advice and possibly some natural therapies are warranted. Minor digestive issues, a little rash that pops up or other little annoyances such as a nagging cough won't take much to address. Those minor everyday imbalances are what these mini- consults are for!

$10.00 to $20.00 or FREE depending on the time needed!

(c) Wendolyn Murdoch




Comprehensive Herbal Consultation


A typical appointment begins with a cup of tea in an informal setting for a discussion of your health concerns. A thorough assessment will take place at this timenormally taking one, to one and a half hours, depending upon your needs. 


We will look at when did the problem start, do certain conditions make it better or worse, how long have it been with you, how severe is the discomfort and more. 


Of course diet, lifestyle modifications, other natural therapies and herbal formulation will be reviewed and advice given.   


In a couple of weeks or so we will touch base to tweak any problem areas and encouragement given. 

We will endeavor to meet your health goals with small achievable steps, leading you down the path of good health and vitality. 
No worries, I won't put any eye of newt or batwings in your tinctures, at least not too often!

Our intitial appointment is $80.00 with follow ups for $40.00

Online appointments are available, just ask. 

Contact me to book your appointment.


(c) Wendolyn Murdoch



Disclaimer:  The information, including but not limited to, text, graphics, images and other material contained on this website are for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new health care regimen.